Did you become a new U.S. citizen? If the answer is "yes, then you're invited to a ceremony in your honor.
Tuesday, June 20 7 pm Elgin's 23rd annual New Citizen Recognition Program will be held at the Centre of Elgin, 100 Symphony Way. As an honoree, you will be provided with a certificate suitable for framing and a U.S. flag pin. Mayor kaplain and the members of Elgins city council will personally congratulate you. There will be entertainment and refreshments will be served after the ceremony.
Please register. Please call Halina Kopec 847-214-6075 or Mirna Montilla Dominauez at 847-605-0050 ext. 300 or scan the or code to register.
This ceremony is coordinated by Elgin's New Citizen Recognition committee - a group of community volunteers including representatives from Elgin Community College, the Gail Borden Public Library. the Literacy Connection. Elain History Museum. YWCA Elain. Chinese Mutual Aid AssocIation, city or Elgin ana centro de informacion